Blueprint of All About Bartending




Global, Search and Breadcrumb navigation will be included in the site. The reason behind using the breadcrumbs navigation is to have a way for users to move backwards through the site as it is hierarchical in nature.

The search functionality the user can select from a range of keywords or input the name of the drink to gain a range of cocktails and shots. In this way, the user can truly find a variety of drinks that suit how they want it to taste and look. The keyword prompts will assist users in deciding what to search in this complicated area. (5) Additionally, all items will return in the search allowing the user to scroll through the list of drinks.



(5 Refer to point 8 about too much data entry)

Why “Simple” Websites Are Scientifically Better. (2015, October 16). Retrieved September 22, 2016, from


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